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Baldor measures itself by our customers not our competitors.
Brushless Cog-Free – LMCF series
Baldor’s cog-free brushless linear motor is designed for unlimited travel servo applications that also require extremely smooth operation with no cogging. Modular track assemblies stack end-to-end to provide the length of stroke required for the application. These motors are supplied in “kit” form to be easily integrated into a machine. The LMCF series provides high peak forces to 2300 N (517 lbs); speeds to 5 m/sec (200 inches/sec); and acceleration to 10 G’s.
Brushless Cog-Free – LMCF series
Baldor’s cog-free brushless linear motor is designed for unlimited travel servo applications that also require extremely smooth operation with no cogging. Modular track assemblies stack end-to-end to provide the length of stroke required for the application. These motors are supplied in “kit” form to be easily integrated into a machine. The LMCF series provides high peak forces to 2300 N (517 lbs); speeds to 5 m/sec (200 inches/sec); and acceleration to 10 G’s.
Brushless Cog-Free – LMCF series
Baldor’s cog-free brushless linear motor is designed for unlimited travel servo applications that also require extremely smooth operation with no cogging. Modular track assemblies stack end-to-end to provide the length of stroke required for the application. These motors are supplied in “kit” form to be easily integrated into a machine. The LMCF series provides high peak forces to 2300 N (517 lbs); speeds to 5 m/sec (200 inches/sec); and acceleration to 10 G’s.
DC Brushed Linear Servo Motor – LMBR series
The brushed linear motor is designed for long stoke self-commutated servo applications. The “platen” contains multiple coils (turns of wire) inserted into insulated slots along with a commutator bar. The “forcer” features multiple permanent magnets and brushes for commutation. It is used with pulse width modulated (PWM) DC servo controls. The LMBR series provides high peak forces of 1070N (171 lbs); speeds to 3.8 m/sec (75 in/sec); and acceleration to 5 G’s.
Polynoid Linear Motor
The AC polynoid linear motor derives its name from the solenoid - it provides strokes with constant force over a short limited distance. These are induction motors, which consists of a copper clad “rod” and a “stator”. Forces provided up to 240N (54 lbs).
Non-Commutated DC Linear Motor
The non-commutated linear motor provides strokes with constant force over a short limited distance. These are DC linear motors available as either moving magnets or moving coils. Peak forces provided up to 670 N (150 lbs).
The UM series is a high frequency PWM DC servo control that provides power to a wide range of Baldor DC servo motors, such as the M3300, M4000, and M4500 motors. Providing 600 watts thru 2.25 Kw, the UM comes in models providing 6 amp and 15 amp continuous, with peak currents of 15 and 30 amp. The UM is a fully protected unit and has protection against over voltage, surge current, over temperature, ground faults and logic fault. The UM is an open chassis multi-axis configuration, typically containing one to six control cards which are inserted onto the chassis. The chassis includes the power supply and associated hardware. Easily interfaces with today’s motion controllers, the UM accepts the industry standard +/- 10 Vdc input command, tachometer feedback, and will operate in either velocity or current mode. A version/model of the UM is the “LD” series that accepts 115 Vac direct, providing 160 Vdc bus. It is available in 1 or 2 axis.
The Mint WorkBench is a common Windows front end compatible with Baldor's range of motion controllers and servo drives. Mint WorkBench offers an easy to use Windows development front end for Mint programming, with its colour syntax highlighting of keywords and context sensitive help. The Program Navigator makes it a breeze to navigate the source code, no matter how complicated.
Full screen editor with colour syntax highlighting of Mint keywords
Command line interface to interrogate the controller even when the program is running
Spy window to monitor common motion variables and I/O
Software oscilloscope
Watch window for monitoring variables and tasks
SupportMe function with automatic email generation for rapid technical support
Web updates of firmware within the Mint WorkBench
Easy management of firmware files
The picture demonstrates a machine that has many communication interfaces within it.
This was a survey taken around 5 years ago. The important thing to emphasise is the projected growth in Ethernet and the projected decline in +/-10V. If the survey was taken today, the numbers would be even more striking for Ethernet.
New baldormotion site can be seen at dev.baldor.co.uk
First mailshot from Fort Smith happening soon.